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Nine Business Group

Success Planning Day – Growth Club

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About GrowthCLUB

In reality, a dream without a plan is just a wish for many business owners, who are caught up in the day to day of their business, finding time to plan for your business can seem impossible and finding the time to reflect on what’s working and what isn’t can be extremely difficult.

But what if you could step out of your business, one day every three months, and get laser-focused on what you need to do to grow your business?

One day to plan for success is a small price to pay for what you can get…

Here’s how Success Planning Day guarantees results in 90 days!

1) Reflection

• Time dedicated to help you think about your business, to stop the outside noise and increase your focus on what matters most you, your team and your business.• Time to reflect upon the last 90 days of your life, business and personal. • Identify what did and didn’t get accomplished

2) Acknowledgment

• Acknowledge and celebrate what you did well and what you accomplished

• Establish and ensure that you understand what you and your team did to achieve those results, so those results can be duplicated and multiplied

• Acknowledge what didn’t go so well, what worked and didn’t work in achieving that goal, and then create a better action plan to achieve that goal.

• Create a stop-doing list! Yes a stop-doing list, what things are your team and you doing that are no longer serving you and your business goals? I get some stuff that still needs to get done, so now is your chance to delegate!

• The “do overs” … yes my favourite. Those things that we managed to get done, however, there is room for improvement, so let’s do better!

3) Action Plan

• The time you need to review your vision, your 1, 3, and 5-year goals

• Break those goals into bite-sized pieces and set appropriate goals to achieve them, establish your top 10 goals for the next 90 days.

• Toolbox time, spend time in our toolbox, and work with our on-site coaches to select the proven strategies that will help you achieve your 90 Day goals and take 1 step closer to your 1, 3, and 5 years targets.

• TAKE Action!


Other Benefits

• Access to your ActionCOACH Business Coach

• Learn from the strategies implemented in other businesses

• Broaden your sphere of contacts by networking with other business owners in your area

To claim your spot in our next Success Planning Day, sign up now

We look forward to seeing you there!


ActionCOACH Kent & ActionCOACH Samm

Additional Details

Registration email/URL - https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/success-planning-day-growth-club-tickets-703795480227?aff=oddtdtcreator